Autumn Healing Retreat

Autumn Healing Retreat

Autumn Healing Retreat


Thursday 31 October –
Saturday 2 November

Get set for winter with our Dzogchen Community therapists.
Spend a relaxed four days at our Welsh retreat centre preparing mind and body for the cold winter months

Strengthening our energy and vital organs
Seeing food as medicine(cooking lessons)
Yantra yoga and other exercises to maintain vitality
Kaita (Tibeten dance) for joy and relaxation
Medicine Buddha, White Tara and Mandarava meditation
Evening slide presentation about working with Tibetan doctors in Nepal


available for one-to-one treatments

Red Lau and Marta Sasvari (Ku Nye Massage)
Rita Arqueros (Tibetan Medicine)
Healing dance workshop (teacher TBC)


Sustaining members and Kunselling package, £12 per day
Ordinary members, £14 per day
Non-members, £27 per day

Retreat Food

£20 breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks, tea and coffee

Red is going to be cooking an amazing kidney healing diet to get us ready for the cold and wet winter ahead, and will do a couple of cooking demonstrations.

Let us know if you have any diet restrictions.


price by arrangement with therapist


Rita Arqueros (email)
+44 7982 242637 (mobile)

Retreat Schedule

Arrive 2 pm onwards

2-7pm Consultation/Treatments

7pm Dinner rlung soup

8 pm Prescription of Precious Pills/Rilbu

9pm Drinking channels-opening infusion as preparation for Precious Pills intake

5am Intake of Precious pills/Rilbu

5-7am Rest

7:15am Closing channels infusion

7:30am Soft Yantra yoga practice

8am Purification of the 6 lokas practice

9:30 Treatments: Healing Bath/Lum treatment and bLa massage

1pm Lunch

2:20-6pm Healing Bath/Lum treatment and bLa massage

4:30 yantra yoga

6pm New moon ganapuya preparations

6:30-7:30pm Light Ganapuya (Bring drink offerings)

7:45pm Dinner

9-10pm Mindful Dance/Movement

7:00 am Yantra Yoga

8:00 am Mandarava practice

9-10am Breakfast

10-1pm Consultation/Treatments

1pm Lunch

2pm Cookery class: rlung soup Preparations

3-5:30pm Consultations/Treatments

5:30pm Drinking rlung soup

6-7pm Consultation/Treatments

7pm Dinner

8pm Shitro Practice

9pm Concert/Slide show: Tibetan doctors in Nepal

7am Yantra Yoga

8am Mandarava practice

9-10am Breakfast: fire soup

10-1pm Consultation/Treatments

1pm Lunch, End of the event

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