Sleeping and Dreaming Workshop with Ben Henriques and Jane Weston

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Sleeping and Dreaming Workshop with Ben Henriques and Jane Weston

Image: Le Paysage Bleu by Marc Chagall

Sleeping and Dreaming

with Jane Weston and Ben Henriques

Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd March 2025
Kunselling, Wales

The UK Dzogchen Community is again pleased to present a weekend workshop to explore the different stages of sleep, to develop mindfulness of these processes and to introduce the experience of lucid dreaming. Dream work is an important part of spiritual practice in many traditions, including Tibetan Buddhism.

Course details

This course is open to everyone, regardless of previous experience or ability, and will give participants all the tools needed to begin a dreamwork practice.

It will take place from Friday 21st  to Sunday 23rd March 2025 at Kunselling, the retreat centre of the UK Dzogchen Community, near Hay-on-Wye and Brecon, Powys, Wales.

We will begin at on Friday at 5.45pm and end at on Sunday at 4pm.

The teachers

Jane Weston and Ben Henriques are a mother and son team who have both developed their own practice and teaching styles around sleeping and dreaming. They are both members of the Dzogchen Community of the late Tibetan Buddhist master Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, who taught Dream Yoga. Jane has also studied with Charlie Morley, leads sleep workshops and runs a dream circle. Ben is also a student of the Tibetan lama Chime Rinpoche, who has encouraged Ben in dream work and to teach Buddhism.


The course was very successful in 2024, and Ben and Jane are looking forward to running it again this year. This is what two of last year’s participants had to say:

“I did this exciting two-day residential course on Lucid Dreaming last year. Exciting because it explores what happens when we become aware we are dreaming as we are dreaming and how to cultivate and use the experience. 

This residential course is a safe place to ponder and enjoy. Some people seemed to know a lot. Others, like me, not so much. All were welcome. The team of Ben and Jane, son and mother, is a delight. The space is open and that flows into the teaching and encouragement.”

“Jane and Ben are an absolute dream team – two long-term practitioners who are sharing their wisdom with profound enthusiasm and deep compassion, speaking from their own experience, and their different perspectives on spiritual practice complement each other beautifully.”

Whether you are new to the retreat or came last year, everyone is welcome!

Registration and payment

To book please fill out the Google form

If you have any questions, you may email the organiser,
Alexander Studholme.

The price of the course is the sum the following components:

  • Weekend workshop £40
  • Accommodation per night
    (you may have to share a bedroom)

    • Non-members £27
    • Ordinary members £14
    • Sustaining members/KSL package £12
  • Food (per meal)
    • Breakfast £5
    • Lunch £7
    • Supper £7

Make your payment to Dzogchen Community UK

by bank transfer:
Sort code 40-02-03
Account number 01077384

IBAN GB44HBUK40020301077384,

or by Paypal using the button below, specifying “Dream Weekend”.

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