The UK Dzogchen Community is an active and thriving group of students of Chögya Namkhai Norbu. Many of our activities take place in Lekdanling, our centre in London, and there are also regional groups. Our retreat centre Kunselling is situated in the beautiful mountainous landscape near Hay-on-Wye in Wales. We meet regularly to practice together on auspicious days and for special events. We are a non-profit organization and registered charity, find out here how you can support us.
The UK Dzogchen Community is part of the larger International Dzogchen Community (IDC), a secular community of planetary dimensions based on the principles of awareness and respect. It emerged spontaneously around its inspiration and teacher, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, and is open to everyone. The IDC is present in more than thirty countries. The main European centre is Merigar West in Italy. Dzamling Gar on Tenerife is the Global Gar. Gar literally means dwelling. Gars have also been established in Romania, Russia, the Crimean, the USA, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela and Australia. There are numerous smaller centres or Lings all over the world, amongst them Kunselling and Lekdanling in the UK. The Gars and Lings serve as a focal points for community activities, and as places to practice and retreat. The IDC collaborates closely with a number of partner organizations established under Rinpoche’s guidance.
If you wish to make contact or get involved with the UK Dzogchen Community, visit the newcomers page, sign up for our newsletter, and submit your questions here. Information about our courses and events can be accessed through the calendar.