Song of the Vajra retreat with Jacob Winkler
A retreat on the Song of the Vajra, its meaning and practices
SMS Base Practice
Come and join us in Kunselling for a five days study and practice retreat led by Jakob Winkler, SMS Teacher, exploring the meaning of the Song of the Vajra and its associated Dzogchen practices.
Now also online via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 1379 7661
Passcode: 626062
The teachings will take place from 10am to 12noon, and from 3:30 to 5:30pm
The function of the Song of Vajra is to discover our natural state and develop the ability to integrate our body, voice and mind into contemplation.
We will be listening to extracts from Rinpoche’s retreats about the Song of the Vajra, to inspire us in our journey.There will be daily yantra yoga sessions, and Vajra Dance if the weather allows us in Wales.
The retreat is for people with transmission from Nankhai Norbu or Yeshi Namkhai, or have a serious interest in receiving the transmission from Yeshi Namkhai.
The Teacher
Jakob Winkler has been studying and practicing Buddhism since the mid-eighties. 1989 he met his main teacher Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. In 2002 he was authorized by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche to teach the study and practice program of the Dzogchen Community Santa Maha Sangha Base and 2007 the firsts level. Jakob Winkler holds an M.A. in the field of Tibetology, History of Indian Arts and Social Anthropology, he studied in Munich and Vienna. He works as an editor and proof-reader for Buddhist publications, Teacher for the Santa Maha Sangha system, as Tibetologist and translator. He co-authored the monumental book “Murals of Tibet“.
Please make a £30 deposit (nonrefundable) before the retreat to reserve your place. The full amount is due by the start of the retreat.
Accommodation per night – £27 (non-members), £14 (ordinary members) or £12 (sustaining members and Kunselling package)
Food – £5 breakfast, £7 lunch, £7 supper
Offering to the teacher – by donation
Please pay by bank transfer:
Dzogchen Community UK, HSBC, 40-02-03, 01077384
International Bank Account Number (IBAN) GB44HBUK40020301077384
Branch Identifier Code (BIC/SWIFT) HBUKGB4105R.
or by PayPal using the button below
(in both cases please specify that you are paying for “Jakob Retreat”)
To register for this retreat, and for any enquiries please contact the organiser: : Rita Arqueros
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