Long Gomadevi Practice with Enzo Terzano
Long Gomadevi Practice
with Enzo Terzano
Please save the date – or plan your trip to Kunselling!
Translation available into Russian, Spanish and Hungarian
Friday 31st May to Thursday 6th June 2024
at Kunselling, UK, and on Zoom
Morning and afternoon sessions on Zoom:
10am to 12noon and 4pm to 6pm
We will study and practise the long Gomadevi practice of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, studying the meaning of the text and training in the correct melodies and mudras. There will also be the opportunity to integrate our Gomadevi practice with Vajra Dance at Kunselling.
To qualify for this retreat, you must have received transmission from Chogyal Namkhai Norbu or Yeshi Silvano Namkhai.
Accommodation per night – £14 (ordinary members) or £12 (sustaining members and Kunselling package)
Food – £5 breakfast, £7 lunch, £7 supper
Offering to the teacher – by donation
Please pay by bank transfer:
Dzogchen Community UK, HSBC, 40-02-03, 01077384,
International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
Branch Identifier Code (BIC/SWIFT) HBUKGB4105R.
Or by PayPal (specify”Gomadevi retreat”)
To register – attending at Kunsellng or on Zoom – please fill in and submit the Google form.
People attending at Kunselling will be contacted via email by the organiser, who will be able to advise you on travel arrangements if you are coming from outside UK.
People attending on Zoom will receive the link after completing and submitting the google form.
If you have any questions, please email the organiser.
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