Dzogchen Teachings with Yeshi Namkhai (Merigar and online)
For further details visit the Merigar website.
Dzogchen Teachings with Yeshi Namkhai
It is with great joy that we inform you that Yeshi Namkhai will hold a retreat of Dzogchen Teachings in Merigar from the afternoon of June 20th to the morning of June 27th.
On behalf of everyone, we thank Yeshi Namkhai for his generosity and compassion.
Thursday, June 20th
4pm, Starting of the retreat, short introductory speech welcoming the participants and thanking Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
Friday, June 21st
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
4pm, Presentation of the Dzogchen Community, in the Gönpa
4pm, Yantra Yoga practice, in the Mandala Hall and on the external platform
6pm, Explanation of the short Ganapuja, in the Gönpa and in webcast
6pm, Vajra Dance Practice, in the Mandala Hall and on the external platform
Saturday, June 22nd
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
4pm, short Ganapuja, in the Gönpa and in webcast
5.15pm Presentation of the activities of Atiyoga Foundation, in the Gönpa
6pm, Khaita Joyful Dances, in the Gönpa
Sunday, June 23rd
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
3.00pm Presentation of the Respira Method and the Evolve App, in the Gönpa
4pm, An introduction to Yantra Yoga, in the Gönpa
4pm, Yantra Yoga practice, in the Mandala Hall and on the external platform
6pm, Khaita Joyful Dances, in the Gönpa
6pm, Vajra Dance Practice, in the Mandala Hall and on the external platform
5pm – 8pm, Inauguration of the exhibition ‘Luminous Reflections: The secret murals of the Lhukhang temple’ at the MACO Museum of Oriental Art and Culture – Arcidosso, Aldobrandesco Castle
Monday, June 24th
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
4pm, An introduction to the Vajra Dance and to the Dance of the 12 A, in the Gönpa
4pm, Vajra Dance Practice, in the Mandala Hall and on the external platform
6pm, Presentation of the activities of Shang Shung Publication, in the Gönpa
6pm, Yantra Yoga practice, in the Mandala Hall and on the external platform
Tuesday, June 25th
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
4pm – 5pm, Presentation of the activities of ASIA, in the Gönpa
4pm, Yantra Yoga practice, in the Mandala Hall and on the external platform
6pm, Khaita Joyful Dances, in the Gönpa
6pm, Vajra Dance Practice, in the Mandala Hall and on the external platform
Wednesday, June 26th
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
4pm, Presentation of the restorations of the Gönpa paintings, with Dynamic Space of the Elements, in the Gönpa
4pm, Yantra Yoga for beginners, in the Mandala Hall and on the external platform
6pm, Explanation of the short Thun, in the Gönpa
6pm, Vajra Dance Practice, in the Mandala Hall and on the external platform
Thursday, June 27th
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
Thanks and conclusion of the retreat
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