Wednesday 20th September:
Preparation for Rinpoche’s arrival in Dzamlingar on Saturday
We are tangibly buzzing in Dzamlingar. Excited about Rinpoche’s imminent arrival on Saturday afternoon we are activated and getting very busy.
The Cafeteria is being cleaned and upgraded. A host of second hand chairs have arrived as a donation which need to be sanded down and painted white. The kitchen is being scrubbed and cleaned as the Cafeteria will re-open in conjunction with Rinpoche’s return and right now it looks like chaos in that zone of the Gar.
Rinpoche’s house too is in a state of total disarray and we are working with enthusiasm like busy bees with a grin on our faces, getting the house re-organised, re-furnished, re-decorated, and cleaned up. Rarely has doing such household chores and on such a scale been actually fun!
Carlos is transforming a heavy handed desk into a manageable size one that fits just right and we are watching the transformation with trepidation, fearing that he is going to chop it up instead of trimming it down. We look on in astonishment that he is actually doing a great job.
In between we manage to hold a short ganapuja towards the evening and Masha is laying out a feast of offerings, almost like a banquet complete with papaya and guava fruit from our garden.
And tomorrow is another day…..
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